Monday, February 23, 2009

Connection! St. Augustine to Gothic Cathedrals

After reading and re-reading the packet on St. Augustine and thinking about the purpose and inspiration of Gothic cathedrals, I have made several connections. You may quote me. St. Augustine was all about living in the present. He believed that God has a plan for everybody. everything we do is predetermined and therefore, he believed that humans should not be punished for their actions. For God, their is no past or future, only present and he was everywhere. As believed by Abbot Suger, whenever light flowed into a church, the presence of God could be felt. In Gothic cathedrals, more windows were inserted in order to allow more light, which means that God was everpresent; forgetting anyone's past, or what was going to happen to them in the future, a church was a sanctuary for people to focus on their present. Moreover, because St. Augustine preached about living in the now, people didn't have to worry about when Jesus was going to return or what was going to happen when he did. They no longer had to think of the physical world as ugly considering they were'nt going anywhere anytime soon. Consequently, architects began to make the outside of cathedrals more decorated and beautiful because now, it was okay to think of the world as beautiful. After all, God did create it, how bad could it be?

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